With a wealth of experience over the last seventy years, Funderingstechnieken Verstraeten, part of the Fundexgroup, is the specialist in soil displacement, vibration-free techniques. The company invests heavily in the sustainability of its equipment and is involved in the most diverse projects throughout the country, but also far beyond. In the foundation field, the company is most certainly a specialist and its ambition remains high. In cooperation with TU Delft, for example, the company is participating in the development of the energy pile.
"We were already making long large diameter piles for tall buildings and bridges in the 1970s and 1980s, but for the last 15 years frequently for the real skyscrapers closer to home," begins Davy Maes, general manager of Funderingstechnieken Verstraeten. "We have continued to improve our Fundex and Tubex technology over the years and are seen in the market as the specialist in vibration-free (deep) foundations for high-rise buildings. Our products give a very high load-bearing capacity, result in excellent load-setting behavior and, combined with a financially attractive picture, are therefore extremely suitable for this type of construction."
According to Maes, Funderingstechnieken Verstraeten has state-of-the-art equipment operated by experienced personnel in possession of all relevant training and certificates. "Sustainability is also high on the agenda and is shaped by low-emission equipment. Continuous improvement and innovations of existing and new techniques has given us a leading position in the market. For example, we are involved in the development of the energy pole based on the Fundex pole, with which we recently carried out a project. So we take our responsibility in many different ways to significantly reduce CO2 emissions."
"We see many (main) contractors, as well as developers and consulting firms coming back very regularly with new projects and related requests for advice," notes Maes. "Delivering quality, being involved from the beginning and providing clients with good advice is an advantage in contracting and executing works of importance. Our portfolio is therefore nicely filled. We travel all over the Netherlands with our machinery and have some great projects in the pipeline. For example, in addition to working for (large) contractors, we are also very active for grid operators where we make the foundations for new wind turbines and electricity pylons."
Consequently, Maes sees the future as bright. "The ambition of developers to realize more and more high-rise XXL buildings in the Netherlands and Belgium will lead to an increased demand for specialists in this, very much including foundations. We have invested heavily in both personnel and equipment in recent years and are ready for the future."