In 2012, Mechelen embarked on a major station project called "Mechelen In Beweging" to manage future mobility flows in and around the station district.
A new rail bypass, station building, car corridor and bicycle infrastructure are the four main components of this project. These four components are woven into a single "ribbon" across the 2.8 km of the project to occupy a minimum of space and create a maximum of space for urban development and green space. At the heart of the project is the station building, which formally integrates the rail bypass and tangent. Concrete is at the base of the construction.
One of the key players in the construction of the new train station is Urbastyle. In recent years, Urbastyle has supplied prefabricated elements in architectural concrete for several station projects. For the new platforms at Mechelen station, Urbastyle was also trusted to produce various precast elements: on the outside for the wall panels and on the inside for the platform edges and seat edges.
Both straight and curved wall panels were produced for cladding the back of the platforms. This ensures a smooth transition into the wall cladding of the stairs and ends. For the curved elements, the challenge was to follow the curvature at the top as well as at the front. The extreme elements were delivered as one element with integrated capstone to avoid horizontal joints.
The platform edges are polished on the front - the side of the tracks - like the wall panels and seat edges. Slightly roughened top sides provide more sliding resistance here. All visible sides of the seat edges are also polished. Here, the top side is sloped to ensure proper drainage.
Prefabricated facade panels are the binding element where white cement and a polished finish define the character of the whole. By using white cement from Aalborg White, a company that specializes in high-quality white cement for construction, Urbastyle was able to create a clean and modern look that matches the surrounding architecture and complements the overall design of the train station.
In addition to these aesthetic benefits, using white cement also has practical advantages. For example, it is more resistant to staining and discoloration than traditional gray cement. However, the use of concrete in the new train station is not limited to these practical benefits, but also contributes to the overall aesthetic of the space. The clean lines and neutral color of the concrete elements create a modern and minimalist look that is both timeless and chic. In addition, the use of concrete provides a sense of sturdiness and durability that is reassuring for commuters and visitors.
In short, Mechelen's new train station is a testament to the power of collaboration and innovation in construction. Eurostation's design, Urbastyle's concrete solutions and Aalborg White's use of white cement all came together to create a beautiful, functional and sustainable space that will serve the community for years to come. Clearly, Mechelen's new train station is a shining example of how innovative construction techniques can be used to create spaces that are both beautiful and functional.