Two first prize winners who both came up with a solution for the detachable construction of concrete columns and beams. Both addressed the theme of circular economy in an imaginative way with a high architectural result. The two ideas were named winners of the Concrete Design Competition 2021-2022 by the jury.
The theme of this tenth edition is REIMAGINE, in which students were asked to think of how we can apply concrete differently so that we can make a greater contribution to a sustainable and circular construction economy. The jury was pleasantly surprised with the large number of entries (44) for the tenth edition of the Concrete Design Competition and the quality of the posters. You can read more about the competition and background of the theme at Concrete Design Competition 2021-2022.
The jury recognized a number of unifying themes in the entries. The stacking of building components recurred in several entries; therefore, detachable design is an important theme in the circular economy. In addition, a number of entries focused on increasing biodiversity and using sustainable concrete mixtures.
The competition is open to the choice of whether an idea is about a detail, building component, whole building, infrastructure design, landscape element or furniture. The judges noted that most of the entries involved buildings and architectural building components.
On June 17, the winners were announced at an event at TU-Delft.
The jury of the 10th edition consists of chairman Marieke Kums (studio MAKS), Serge Schoemaker (Serge Schoemaker Architects), Pim Peters (IMd consulting engineers) and Ellen van Genechten (Hurks).
The jury chose two first prize winners; all team members of both entries have been invited to the Concrete Design Masterclass in Kassel in late August. Both entries were awarded a check for €1,200.
The designed loosely interlocking elements are of high architectural quality, especially the openwork knot, adding a visual element to the space. They are well functionally designed, clearly presented and beautifully executed in a model. The variant with multiple parts was perhaps considered too labor intensive by the jury, the variant with openwork knot had the most potential in their opinion.
(dis)connection was submitted by Kristīne Mogiļevceva, Kseniya Onufrijeva and Vlad-Gabriel Dobran.
Stackable, modular column elements with possibility of connecting beams made of wood or concrete. The shape is easily made by self-builders (on the building site). The column, composed of octagonal elements, adds architectural value to the space. The jury was impressed by the presentation and thought this was a good example of how an idea can be presented effectively, clearly and attractively.
MODUMN was submitted by Gina Goedert and Xinyue Wu.
The team that won third prize was rewarded for this with a check for €600.
The Arch
The concrete of this architectural element is made with granulated clamshells to reduce CO2 reduce. After the beautifully designed arch elements are applied in a first and second cycle, they are returned to the sea to serve as a base for fouling and shelter for marine life. The jury appreciated the aesthetic design, but questioned whether this material would be applicable for alternative forms and more challenging functions.
The Arch was submitted by Matteo Armenante, Jelmer Eising and Kathryn Larsen.
The judges selected three entries for honorable mention.
- VersaTile, precast concrete elements to increase biodiversity, was submitted by Elin Lohe, Miltiadis Filippos Christodoulakos and Maximilian Wilhelm Lieser.
- Virgin Connections, demountable connections between different materials, was submitted by Djamo Mastenbroek and Joren Jans.
- Trombe Wall, which uses steel slag in combination with cement to create stackable blocks with extra-high heat retention capacity, was submitted by Rui Wei, Ruben Koppes, Midas Hoezen, Lilli Kroher and Ali Fatih Cebeci.
President Marieke Kums concluded on the whole, "All the projects mentioned, winners and honorable mentions, give a nice picture of the themes discussed throughout all the entries.