"HJ Metaalbewerking has grown considerably in recent years and our projects are becoming increasingly large and complex" indicates Jeroen Brouwer, director of HJ Metaalbewerking. "We want to be able to follow those projects accurately because that is very important for our company.
Our clients must also be able to rely on us, so a good and solid information system is very important. The Project- and Production planning and the Planning per person per day is a very important part of this and we find this in a very user-friendly way in LiemarX. We already have experience with time registration on the shop floor and with apps on the phones and that is also fully integrated into this, otherwise we certainly wouldn't have done it."
At HJ Metalworking, continuity is paramount and with LiemarX, that will certainly succeed he indicates. "LiemarX will only make managing projects easier for us" says Jeroen.