Flemish contractor Vuylsteke-Eiffage is particularly active in the design and construction of office buildings, nursing homes, schools and parking buildings. With a growing portfolio and more complex challenges, working in traditional 2D proved time-consuming and not an option for the future. For that reason, the contractor went in search of an advanced 3D software package. Krist Kindt is responsible for the internal study and drawing office and also a BIM Modeler. He explains, "Tekla Structures offered the best application for modeling connections and reinforcement because of the many components available. It turned out to be the right choice for us and in recent years we have used the software to further integrate BIM into our entire work process."
Today, Vuylsteke-Eiffage aims to work with partners on every project based on BIM. "We start by creating a 3D model, setting up lists of questions and issues, which would otherwise come up during construction," Kindt explains. "This is gone through with the client, to eliminate as many clashes and inconsistencies as possible early on. Once the 3D model is ready, Tekla Structures is also used to prepare production drawings. We use these drawings for the production of precast elements, such as columns, beams and walls, in our own precast department. In addition, the model is also shared with the suppliers, who can already plan based on our detailed 3D model, which saves an enormous amount of time. They do not have to start with basic plans, which may contain errors, but can immediately start with a correct 3D model. This makes the turnaround time of inspections easier. The preparation requires a little more time, but ultimately provides many benefits in the overall production process."
To make the information from the 3D model available not only to the drawing department, but also to project and site management, Vuylsteke-Eiffage started using collaboration platform Trimble Connect early on. "Previously, a 2D plan was first generated for the job site, which then had to be delivered to the job site," says Kindt. "Now employees on the job site can immediately pull information they need ad hoc from the 3D model via Trimble Connect. We also insist that the drawing department properly populate everything from properties to user components in the 3D model so that other parties or colleagues can proceed with the correct information." This ensures that Vuylsteke-Eiffage can work well with project partners in Trimble Connect.
To use 3D optimally within Vuylsteke-Eiffage requires continuous effort and training of people. Kindt also notes that when people know that they can get a lot of information from 3D models, it takes on a life of its own and the software sells itself: "But we continue to invest. For example, when new colleagues come, we make sure they are trained. Trimble Connect is not that complex, but you have to know where properties are filed away, how to make them visible and how to make sure the correct information is at your fingertips."
Ultimately, Vuylsteke-Eiffage's ambition is to move away from 2D drawings and work everything out in 3D. Kindt explains, "We want to get as much information as possible into Trimble Connect. The intention is that people on the construction site will no longer work from the site hut with a laptop, but with tablets on which they can view the 3D models." In addition, he would like to test the AR app on site at some point. Kindt advises anyone currently working with 2D to take the plunge and experience the benefits of 3D: "A 3D model that is created is immediately available to the project and site members. One person is working on the model, so less time is lost. With a 2D drawing on site, you are never 100% sure that it is the latest version. By working online, there is one place where there is the correct and latest version of the models."
Also getting started with BIM software? Then take a look at Construsoft's website.
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