Building with Steel (BmS) and the Samenwerkende Nederlandse Staalbouw (SNS) have published the Steel Prices Index BmS at . This free online tool keeps steel builders, contractors and other interested construction professionals informed about the development of prices of common steel semi-finished products for Dutch construction.
The prices of semi-finished steel products for (steel) construction, such as profiles and tubes, are constantly changing. This makes it difficult for potential customers such as steel builders to keep track of current price levels.
The Index Steel Prices BmS offers them a helping hand - free of charge. This new tool from Bouwen met Staal and the Samenwerkende Nederlandse Staalbouw gives insight into the development of prices of common profiles, tubes and plate material for fabricating and assembling steel structures in the Netherlands.
Each week, the index provides an update on price trends for three types of steel semi-finished products: profile, tube and sheet; all three made of 'raw' (still untreated), hot-rolled steel. The fabrications are delivered directly to the customer ('ex-factory') and come with a DOP (Declaration of Performance) and CE marking.
Price levels for the Index Steel Prices BmS are calculated using net purchase prices (for a steel construction company at a steel trading company) and expressed in index numbers. This allows you to see at a glance whether and to what extent prices have increased or decreased compared to a previous period. This first week of recording is week 31 of 2023.
Using the indices, it is also possible to calculate the price change as a percentage. To this end, the tool provides some calculation examples.